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Lost: Military Parade, Last seen in 1991.

Hey, ya'll...
I just heard about this this morning on NBC, but Trump wants a military parade.
What the fuck?
Don't we already do that for Veterans Day?
Major cities like NY and Dallas have parades that honor out vets and troops.

In all honesty, my first thoughts were:

That is something fucking DICTATORS do!!! And who is paying for this? The American taxpayers. A waste of money! If we want to celebrate our military, let's use that money we spent on a fucking parade and use it for programs for out vets.

While, I still hold belief in the majority of those thoughts, I did do my research and after doing so, it seems like America is no longer in touch with it's military. Plenty of those who serve feel as if they are isolated from the ideas and way of living of those they have sworn to protect. That is made worse by the fact that young people don't really know someone who has served, or is serving in the the military. I, myself, know a good amount of people who have served and are currently serving. I have even wanted to serve, but ultimately, it didn't happen. Anyways, a parade would benefit the military in recruitment opportunities for Americans, maybe strike up interest in joining and would give all who have served, and are serving, the national recognition of respect and honor they deserve.
On the other hand, it will cost millions, and from what I've read, the only thig we can compare to it was the last military parade that was thrown in 1991 by George H. W.  Bush after the Gulf War, which billed out to 18 million, and adjust for inflation in 2018, would be 21 million. Who would foot the bill? You guessed it, taxpayers.
And is this being done for the right reasons?
Trump loves the military, we know - expresss it greatly, and it seems he was inspired by the parade he attended in France as a guest to the French President, but wouldn't that money be best if it were put to a better use? Maybe in programs that enhance the quality of life, health programs? We have parades that honor our military yearly in major ciities. It's just that the majority of younger people either aren't well-informed about the military and recruitment, or are just not qualified to join, and if they happen to be qualified, they just aren't interested in joining. So, when we have dates to already celebrate our troops, what is the purpose of this particular parade? Was it truly becuse he was inspired to do so by the parade of the French for Bastille Day? or could it be because Kim Jong Un had his own parade a day before the Winter Olympics being hosted in South Korea?

Who knows?

Not to mention, seeing tanks and armored trucks roll.down the streets of Washington during times when nuclear war seems to be near, that is a pretty freaky image.


I leave you with that.


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