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Furry Babies

Evening, Motherlovers.

Does anyone have children?
And by children, I mean pets?
My husband likes to say that he can only compare giving child birth to the worst pain he has experience, which is slamming his pinky toe - and he's had poison ivy. Therefore, I can only compared having children to owning pets.

I kid.

Here's the thing, every morning my cat feels it his duty to wake us up as soon as he is up. As soon as it turns five, he feels it is perfect timing. Chalupa Batman jumps at at the bed, all while meowing, and heads on over to my side, and comes and touches my face with his nose.

I don't move, but it wakes me -  but only that half ass wake up.

He sees me not moving, so he heads over to my belly and begins to press up and down, continuously, until I get up, and by then, he has already won.
But, it doesn't end there. He needs food and water, and I have to open the door for him so he can get out to the balcony. Oh! And he likes to be pet, a lot.
Soon, his kitty litter has to be cleaned and that is not fun - human parents are lucky; pets never learn to clean up after themselves. Luckily, I have a husband!

Ugh - and all the wet food we buy them that they love, and I like for them to have a variety of flavors, along with their snacks. If I eat good, so should my furry buddy. And gawd forbid they get fleas or ticks or chewing lice! I have to get them collars and do the whole apartment along with it. And socks. Plenty of socks.

Sigh. But  they have no idea what truly goes on. That's why pets are so loved, animals in general really. Children grow up to be adults with at least some knowledge about where they stand in the universe. Animals, don't - at least not Chubs. They have no knowledge of war, money, space or language. My dog, as long as I live, will never know what it is to be hungry, she knows what it is to have cake and knows that is loved and she has a brother who is a cat and that her parents narrate her every move! I can't even focus on a thought that involves harming an animal - unless those happen to be big roaches, rats, flies - but all animal lives matter.

And if you think I'm crazy, you clearly cannot fathom the intensity of love I carry for my furry babies.

But one day, I hope to be a mother, even though that idea seems less appealing the more I live on this planet. But I think it would be better to just adopt. Give life to a baby whose life was taken from him, in a sense.

Ah, anyone else excited that Christmas is right around the corner?
That's just me?



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