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And TWO rings to rule them all...

Hey, everybody.

On a much more lighter note, I'm not sure if I shared or not with all you nuggets, but I got married last month and so now I wear rings.

That's right.

And if that isn't news to you, well it was to me! I thought there was only one, nope..turns out we get two rings.


I mean, shit, the most jewelry I've ever worn has been my septum in my nose. But, when i was younger, I wore earings and maybe a necklace here and there, but it never really was my thing.

Just no.
I honestly think jewelry is a waste of money, but then again my mother loves it, and I did promise her nice there's that..

The exceptions, of course, are the special days, like Weddings.
I have never really worn rings, ever, in my life.
Well, except in high school for maybe a few months and thats it since it began to turn green, along with my skin..

But other than that, never again.
Geez, what a contradiction.

Anyways, if you've kept up...

As the day goes by, I wash my hands as I enter the restroom, have lunch, or wash my cups or dishes I bring from home. When I do that, I remove my rings from my finger and places them in a safe location - in the restroom it would be on the counter and in the break room, it'd be next to the coffee can - and i resume whatever it is I was doing.
See, thing is, when i use the restroom, I take it off before I do anything and then it comes back on after I dry my hands.
I see it and, back on my finger.

But for some fucking reason, I can't, for the life of me, can't seem to remember the rings when I wash dishes.

And today, LUCKY FUCKING ME, I forgot them and my coworkers decided to teach me a lesson.

And believe you me, it was learned.

So, as I dried my hands, I left the break room and headed back to my desk and went about my day. It wasn't until my other coworker, call her A,  left for lunch, that I realized my rings were missing. At this point, I'm panicking and frantic looking for the literally blessed things and sending slacks within the office and sending mass texts messages to the technicians asking anyone if they had seen them.
At this point, those in the office who were helpful, said they had not seen them.

So, I had come to the conclusion, at that point, that they had been stolen, and also that I lost them.

Ahhhh, plot twist...

Turns out that my boss actually found them as he went to pour himself probably his fifth cup of the day,  saw them there and wondered who they belonged to. When he realized who, he decided to teach me a lesson and soo  let the whole office know about it and orchestrated the whole damn thing.

Well, kudos, Kevin, because that did the trick!!

Have I forgot it since?
Of course, but only at home and that doesn't count!




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Break Up - Part V

Would you rather....? Let me pick your brains!!

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Stockholm Syndrome: Chapter 1