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About Last Night....

Hello, Motherlovers.

This morning I woke up to one of the deadliest mass shootings in U.S. History.

As of now, there are at least 58 dead and at least 515 injured in Las Vegas.
Some deranged being decided to hide like a coward from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Hotel and shoot into a crowd of 22,000.
There was a festival happening.
Country Festival, I believe it was.
In the infamous Las Vegas - You're out with your friends, and lover (or lovers..wink wink..)
But instead of ending the night with drinks, or with a tale that would have been funny in the near future, instead that night was filled with terror.
And all I could think of, no matter how selfish it may have been, is it could have been me.
I love going to concerts. Just like every one of those people - but instead of enjoying what may have been to some, an amazing night, they lived their last moments in fear.
They were so blind to what was just about to take place.

What a way to enter October.

It makes me so angry.
Above all, speechless.

From all the articles I've read, this hell lasted anywhere from 10 to 15 minutes.
Imagine, being stuck in an open field, not knowing the shots were coming from the hotel from across the street FROM THE 32ND FUCKING FLOOR, like sitting ducks running for your life not knowing if those bullets were coming in your direction.
Not knowing if you or your friends were going to make it to the next day.
And if you were so lucky to make it out alive, now you had to find out if your friends did too.

My condolences to any of you who were dealt this blow - to any of those who lost a soul today.

And I don't know about all of you, but it feels as if things are about to get that much worse. As if we are about to enter and even deadlier phase.
Is that just me?

Something else that pisses me off, is all the media and news outlets are saying "He didn't fit the shooter profile,"
What the fuck does that mean?
Does he not look like what a shooter might look like?
Because he had no traffic violations, gang affiliations or bad habits it is surprising that man cna do such evil?
What the fuck?

And then the gun control.
I believe in my 2nd amendment. I am Texan, after all.
But there must be stricter gun control.
I;m sure you haven't heard of the Little Elm shooting that happen this year in Texas.
A man known for having schizophrenia was in possession of a gun, was sold to him legally, and he shot and killed an officer, an officer part of a police department who was aware of the shooter's mental health problems - easily avoidable.

And then this fucktard last night.
How do you wake up one day and decide, "Hey, tonight, after this poker hand, I'll get a drink and head up over to the window of my hotel and kill people?"

What about those who died and leave behind children? What about their parents?
He had no right to take away their lives.
Children who will have to grow up wondering why their parents were the unlucky ones.
Why they got to be stolen away from them.

I at least hope they died in peace. Without fear - that's all I can wish for them.

He took his own life, according to reports, guess he had the balls to pull it on himself - the only last good deed he did.

"Kiss me like you'll never see me again" -Alicia Keys


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