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Night of the Living Hobbies!! They just don't die!

Gooooood Mooooooorning, Mooootherloveeers!!!!!!

So, you see, now I do have coffee in hand...
Addict*cough, cough*


I made a whole batch of cookies last night.
They are delicious.
I should also take more pictures as I share with you all.
Notes, guys, notes.

I have picked up a lot of old hobbies I had that are actually beneficial to me.
Like, I have picked up reading books again.
I want to read at least 1 book a month, which will also help build up a library!
As of now, I'm reading It by Stephen King.
And it will be amazing fun to discover and learn new things and above all, books!!
Open to suggestions as well!
I had a coworker come to me as I was reading Gone with the Wind, and asked me why I have a book. Had I never heard of kindle?
Well, seeing as how I already stare at a computer all day, carry a miniature computer in my pocket at all times, it just feels good to stare at something that isn't glaring my eyes with lights all day straining them.
I already don't blink enough.
So, I love books.
Always have since I was a child.
They also remind me of life in the old days.
A time before technology.
The smell of them as well!
I am discovering new books and passions.
I have all kinds of books at this point: working out books, weight books, cook books - which are amazing to actually do, and all the books I have read.
No kindle for this gal!!
I also am baking more often.
I remeber when I was young, I would ask my parents to buy me the cake boxes so I could bake cakes.
Now, I find myself baking from scratch and it feels soo good!!
I am going back to working out and eating healthy. Making it a point to no longer eat fast food, take my lunch to work, and cooking a heck of a lot more often at home.
I also have a few things on the side I am working on, and the more I talk about it and keep myself busy, the more real it gets.
I feel like a shark right now - i smell blood and if i quit swimming towards it, I will die and drown.
It feels like I am reviving a part of me I thought long dead.

They're coming to get you, Barbara!

Muah, my darling!


And the best so far...

Break Up - Part V

Would you rather....? Let me pick your brains!!

Asking all these questions

Stockholm Syndrome: Chapter 1