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Monday Cooking! Being bored on Labor Day!

Hello, Motherlovers.

Today was such a weird day.

All day I spent cooking.

This morning I woke up, obviously, and made breakfast, which was hard boiled eggs for my partner and I.
Soo after, I made chocolate chip peanut butter cookies. A whole batch!

A few hours after that I made us each a hot dog.

Hours after that, I cooked the whole bag of shrimp we've had, for lunch, and made them all today, half lemon pepper and the rest sea salt/black pepper.

And right after that, I made 3 different versions of "boneless wings" - chopped boneless breast -: bbq, buffalo, and honey chipotle. Breaded.

I have been in a cooking frenzy. Or I can only imagine extreme boredom on my part.I also have been reading "It" by S. King. I only begun last week and I'm already on Part 2, so I am very proud of myself since the last book I finished took me about five years on and off.

There's that.

You have heard of Harvey...Have you seen Irma heading over??
Mother Nature has had it, huh?

Also, today was a day off since we celebrate Labor day. Ironic, huh?

Boredom has being having me on edge lately. Since I have had no money whatsoever in my pocket, I have not really gone out and about. Neither have I travelled outside my home much unless it be for grocery needs.
So, it has been, testing me.

But, my partner and I did go out recently, so I take all I said back!!
We went out for a few drinks and pool game, and three beers was all I needed to have a massive hangover while we were playing. Since I've cut down on drinking, my tolerance has plummeted. Which is great! But i feel I have been craving much more sugar due to the cuts done.
Waaah. Waaah. Waaah.

This weekend was just all over the place, in a way.
Just like my cooking!
Which, was great, by the way!



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Break Up - Part V

Would you rather....? Let me pick your brains!!

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Stockholm Syndrome: Chapter 1