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Am I the cunty one? Sharing Food and Moral Compass.

Hey, Motherlovers!
Here we are, back at it again with a weekly - more like when she feels like blogging - dose of BARBIE!
Not the plastic doll, the real one…wink wink.
I love my partner. I do.
But I can’t help if every single time I prepare a dish for me of snacks, and I see a hand not connected to MY forearm reaching out for MY plate of food, a slight sense of rage and hate spew out of pores!
Call me a cunt, but I don’t like to share my fucking food.
Don’t touch it.
I’ve no idea, why and therapist around the world, please don’t diagnose me. Look away.
At a very young age, my mother always told me I was very selfish and had, and still do, Mommy Dearest,  a heart of stone. I never liked to share what is mine. If for some reason, I had to share, I would simply get two of one and share it – so if I knew I was going to have another belly around, I would make two or four sandwiches or plates, one or two for each of us.
Also, now that I am a grown up, I expect for you to tell me if you need to be fed. Don’t wait for me like a vulture ready to swoop down with talons as sharp as knives to take my delicious nom noms!
Unless it is peanut butter and onion sandwiches - Stephen King, you nut.
But as always, love fucking wins, and with hate in my heart and belly, I share.
Is it a bad thing?
To know, realize and accept we have unattractive qualities within us?
Everyone has their own fucked up flaw. Mine happens to be selfishness and cold heartedness.
Along with a sailors’ mouth – the drinking has been DRAMATICALLY reduced – and a list of Barbie Only qualities.
Another question to ponder on about: does recognizing our “bad” make us a better person? You know, the way recognizing you have a problem and taking the right steps toward fixing it makes us better people?
That should be fairly obvious, right?
As long as we work on trying to change those traits and attitudes, I think that holds the making of a better person, since It is something that we can never rid of entirely. Just exile it into being dormant, maybe.
But what about those who are artificially nice? Doing a good deed for the sake of doing a good deed – Obviously, that Is a fucked up, but it helps at least one person, right?

Above all, I know I’m not qualified in speaking about this, but who is? It’s 2017 - Who needs a moral compass anyways?
Be safe, I hear there are dancing clowns roaming about.


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