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Showing posts from September, 2017

The motion of the ocean, gets the ship a-going! Manifestation!

Mother Lovers!!! Let’s just say this morning was a different morning. I woke up, coffee has been set up the night before, and I thought pancakes this morning would be a hell of a breakfast. So that’s what I did. A simple one, two and soon I had a plate full of delicious pancakes, coffee with this bad-the-fuck-ass creamer by International Delight that is flavored…Reese’s! Your welcome. I made myself busy even before my day started. It feels good to have something to do instead of laying in bed waiting for my alarm to go off! (Barbie, are you in there?!) All I can wait for now is for lunch to come around and put in an hour of reading my book to finish so I can already buy the next one. Also, I need to go see It. Busy bee, much? And right after work, you can bet your sweet ass I’ll be at the gym for half an hour cardio – baby steps. When a fire lights up in you is when your mind begins to think and act differently. It somehow has been rewired. Re-programmed to n...

Don't stop believing!

Motherlovers!!! So, anyone else watching #MasterChef right now? No? Just me??? Well, that is what I'm doing. I love that show. And, those 3 finalist!! I don't want to choose, but I gotta go with my boy Jason! Go Jason!!! Isn't all the weather shit crazy? I'm sure you've heard all about the hurricanes and earthquakes. Like some crazy apocalypse events! But, I am a firm believer in global warming, climate change whatever you want to call it, as long as the basic idea is the same - it's our fucking fault. But, yet there is that like bit in me who hopes that there is a machine that controls the weather. Wanna know why that is amazing? Because imagine all kinds of other fucking weapons and machines that are kept in secret!! If man can manipulate weather, you're telling me we can't reach the bottom of our oceans? I mean, I get that the pressure is strong, but can't we send tiny cameras down there with the capability to withstand that? They way ...

Can't sleep? Think of dying.

Nuggets. It is 11:04 in Texas. I just watched some True Blood , turned the lights off, pet the cat, got ready for bed, and for some reason all I can think of is the day I die. And how terrifying, yet comforting that idea sounds. How uplifting it will be to leave my old life behind. All my burdens and worries; my hate and my fears. One day, I will close my eyes and never open them again. And I have no Idea when or how that will be. And it scares me. It has always scared me. I dream of dying peacefully. Maybe in my bed, or in my lovers arms. But not before I do what I set out to do. But not many of us get that right. Some of us die before accomplishing what we want. And that fucking sucks. Close your eyes. See that? All that darkness and emptiness and the feeling of nothingness is what comes next. When it comes to religion, I am very skeptic, but in short, I am agnostic, because I do have hope tjat there is a god, albeit a malevolent one, but a huge part of me begins to ...

Night of the Living Hobbies!! They just don't die!

Gooooood Mooooooorning, Mooootherloveeers!!!!!! So, you see, now I do have coffee in hand... Addict*cough, cough* Yes. I made a whole batch of cookies last night. They are delicious. I should also take more pictures as I share with you all. Notes, guys, notes. I have picked up a lot of old hobbies I had that are actually beneficial to me. Like, I have picked up reading books again. I want to read at least 1 book a month, which will also help build up a library! As of now, I'm reading It by Stephen King. And it will be amazing fun to discover and learn new things and above all, books!! Open to suggestions as well! I had a coworker come to me as I was reading Gone with the Wind , and asked me why I have a book. Had I never heard of kindle? Well, seeing as how I already stare at a computer all day, carry a miniature computer in my pocket at all times, it just feels good to stare at something that isn't glaring my eyes with lights all day straining them. I already d...

Me?Dependant of coffee?! Why, I never!

Motherlovers!!! Geez, this morning.. whatatumble. Yea. I am so used to having my morning joe, every morning, minimun two cups with a splash of creamer. Along with it I smoke, maybe, one or two bowls, get dress, grab lunch from the fridge, if I can and out the door. Nothing unusual. But, I take an English II class now. They are part of the core classes, so I have to knock it out, again. Anyways... The professor kindly told me I need to drink my joe outside the door, no way it was coming in the computer lab. Understandable. But, damn, did that suck. First. It was hot. Second. It kept me up to watch the movie, which was really good by the way. All the President's Men with Robert Bedford and Dustin Hoffman. Amazing film depicting the Watergate Scandal. I enjoyed myself. Now i have two papers to write, well more like 1 and an annotated  bibliography l, which, again, I already have done. Sigh. Sooooooooooooo Fast forward to the second class meeting, this morning, and we o...

Am I the cunty one? Sharing Food and Moral Compass.

Hey, Motherlovers! Here we are, back at it again with a weekly - more like when she feels like blogging - dose of BARBIE! Not the plastic doll, the real one…wink wink. I love my partner. I do. Literally. But I can’t help if every single time I prepare a dish for me of snacks, and I see a hand not connected to MY forearm reaching out for MY plate of food, a slight sense of rage and hate spew out of pores! Call me a cunt, but I don’t like to share my fucking food. Don’t touch it. I’ve no idea, why and therapist around the world, please don’t diagnose me. Look away. At a very young age, my mother always told me I was very selfish and had, and still do, Mommy Dearest,  a heart of stone. I never liked to share what is mine. If for some reason, I had to share, I would simply get two of one and share it – so if I knew I was going to have another belly around, I would make two or four sandwiches or plates, one or two for each of us. Also, now that I am a grown up, I ex...

Monday Cooking! Being bored on Labor Day!

Hello, Motherlovers. Today was such a weird day. All day I spent cooking. This morning I woke up, obviously, and made breakfast, which was hard boiled eggs for my partner and I. Soo after, I made chocolate chip peanut butter cookies. A whole batch! A few hours after that I made us each a hot dog. Hours after that, I cooked the whole bag of shrimp we've had, for lunch, and made them all today, half lemon pepper and the rest sea salt/black pepper. And right after that, I made 3 different versions of "boneless wings" - chopped boneless breast -: bbq, buffalo, and honey chipotle. Breaded. I have been in a cooking frenzy. Or I can only imagine extreme boredom on my part.I also have been reading "It" by S. King. I only begun last week and I'm already on Part 2, so I am very proud of myself since the last book I finished took me about five years on and off. So.... There's that. You have heard of Harvey...Have you seen Irma heading over?? GAWDDAMN! ...