Mother Lovers!!! Let’s just say this morning was a different morning. I woke up, coffee has been set up the night before, and I thought pancakes this morning would be a hell of a breakfast. So that’s what I did. A simple one, two and soon I had a plate full of delicious pancakes, coffee with this bad-the-fuck-ass creamer by International Delight that is flavored…Reese’s! Your welcome. I made myself busy even before my day started. It feels good to have something to do instead of laying in bed waiting for my alarm to go off! (Barbie, are you in there?!) All I can wait for now is for lunch to come around and put in an hour of reading my book to finish so I can already buy the next one. Also, I need to go see It. Busy bee, much? And right after work, you can bet your sweet ass I’ll be at the gym for half an hour cardio – baby steps. When a fire lights up in you is when your mind begins to think and act differently. It somehow has been rewired. Re-programmed to n...
Stories and opinions. Time to time, you might even see a blog about food, fun activities, or reviews.