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Not the Blog I thought I would write today

Hey Motherlovers.

I can see that the majority of those who read my blog, or maybe just visit it, are in the United States.
The rest of you lovelies are scattered in the other side of the pond.

What are the daily events over there?
What is grinding your gears?

Have you heard what is happening over here?

White Supremacist and Neo-Nazi's having rallies and killing protesters.
Here in Texas, on September 1st, there will be a new law that is already in place in Arizona.
It will allow cops to ask for your papers to prove you are a citizen.

Now, one reason I want to stay out of the politics is because I am so tired of hearing and living it on a daily basis. I feel my whole life is revolving over these issues.
I am not saying they aren't important because they are, I just am so tired of hearing the same fucking thing.

President Trump tweeted today that the Russian Investigation is the biggest witch-hunt in history

Trump says North Korea will be met with 'Fire and Fury'

Ivanka will be taking the President's Seat for the G-20 Summit

Trump has banned Transgenders from serving in the Military

Trump may pardon Joe Arpaio for abusing a bill that racially profiles Hispanics

And, just in case it wasn't clear, it is all because of our President.

This imbecile represents myself and 300 million others.

And out of the brightest and the best, we got an aging, six time bankruptcy calling, reality star who looks down on women, the LGBTQ community, immigrants and anyone else who isn't as white, wealthy, or orange, as he is.

We got silver spooned fed mother fucker in the oval office because he was able to tap into the racist and hate that is what I will call 'White America'
And because he claimed not to be bought.
Oh, and instead of draining the swamp, he made it icky-ier...if that is a word.
Is covfefe a word??
Trump is so quick to call out what he sees as wrong in this country, like our 'bad hombres' and is so hypocritical and protects his own bad hombres.

If you've been Keeping up with the US, then you know now that instead of condemning the white supremacist and neo nazi's for their rally, though they are a HATE group, he placed the blame on both sides and called it a night.
He is more so concerned with business then the fact that terrorism took place on U.S. soul and he fails, in reality he ignores it because we all know he sleeps with them, to call them what they are - terrorist.

Black Panthers were dismantled by the U.S. Why not KKK? Or the Westboro Baptist Church, another hate group who are just as revolting.

Just FYI, the superior race would have never fled their country when the were being religiously oppressed, and then murdered another race, so they could stay safe. They would have stayed and fought back, so really, the 'Superior Race' stayed in Europe, if that's where these racist fucks want to go.

Am I a bit too sour on this one?
Oh, well. I don't have a fucking swastika or the confederacy on my side, so there's that.
I'll try and stay out of it, because even I get tired of it, but I will have my moments.
I am allowed that.


I hope, wherever you may be, the sun is kissing your face and the moon cuddling you to sleep.


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Break Up - Part V

Would you rather....? Let me pick your brains!!

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