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Sex B.C......and other shit on my mind as of late - Rant.

Here Ye! Here Ye Mother lovers and Nuggets....Gather Round.

You may have not noticed my absence, but I am back to fill your brains with the kind of ideocracies that cross mine...

Why are we raised with the idea that our most prized assets is our vagina?
Have you ever really thought about it?
As if our biggest achievement as women is giving birth.
I mean, fuck, that is pretty cool.
We are the gatekeepers of life...(insert laughing emoijs here)

It used to be that women had little to no say or opinion in, historically, anything that involved them or their household. 
Even in marriage, they were seen as property with no fucking rights.
Not until the seventies, and just to be clear we started getting our shit together in 1848 so calm your tits Betsy, when FUCKING FINALLY birth control became legal for women.
Since then, the numbers of women in the workforce shot up.
Because we finally had a say in when we can have our babies, with who, and how many.
As little girls we are told that we should only be with the man we love.
We look forward to the day our prince charming will come and whisk us away in his pegasus.
Wrong fairytales.
I remember being no more than ten or eleven and telling myself that I want to be married by the age of 23. 
See how absurd the thinking of a young girl is?(Insert more laughhing emojis)
We are seen as fragile, frail and petite.
We are seen as inferior to our male counterparts.
But the reality is so far from the ignorant truth.

We are strong enough to carry seven fucking pounds, at least, in our belly for over nine fucking months, and if that wasn't enough, we, I mean they, they had to put up with men who viewed them as such objects only capable of cleaning and popping out children.
And, most women pop out more than just one child, and sometimes at the same time!

Kudos to the few men who thought differently in those days. Kudos.
And the women who said 'NA FUCK THAT!'

The whole reason, in my opinion, is that we were raised with those idiot thoughts because women have always been held to that expectation.
Even by women.
These ways of thinking and living have been reinforced throughout the years.
And our 'rebellion' to be 'lady like' has become more radicalized.

We have to be clean and pure and pretty to be loved by a man.
We have to be obedient and respectful to be loved by a man.
We have to know how to keep a man happy to keep him from finding happiness elsewhere.

Had I been told by my mother, who by the way comes from a country where men are thought to be as ‘superior’, that I have the capability to be anything a man can be, and do it better biisssh, I think my wiring would have been drastically different.
But, I always had a father to reassure me that in this life education is the key.
And he is right on the money.
Education gave me the options of what I can do and achieve. Luckily, I went to a high school that had sex education, in which i learned what happens in sex, how i can avoid the results, and what happens when you raw dog it.
Yaa Nasty.
The same one that taught me how to read and made me realize I am a hell of a writer. 
The same one that gave me hope in actually being someone in the working society of life.
The education that was taught to me to help prepare me for the fuckery that is the real world.

And for all you girls who got pregnant in high school - legitimate question - Is that what you wanted? Were you not aware of birth control and condoms? Or did you not care?
Or did you end up being that one percent who did use condoms and all ways to stop the gamete and still got pregnant? 
You brave soul. You took the gamble and lost.
How much did your views and dreams change? 
Now that the child is born, of course your life has changed - for the better or the worse.
And don't give me the "My child was the best thing to-" 
And I am not trying to make you feel bad, I have no power over your feelings.
I am just a curious creature who wants to understand your point of view and how in individual cases, shit happened.
My point?
Remind your little women that their most prized possession is their brain, and they have the power to do and be ANYTHING.
Even be a man, Legit.
We should be held at the same standard.
If a woman fucks half the class, she's a hoe.
If a man fucks half the class, he's a player.
Na, you nasty. You a hoe, too! Who know's what STI's and STD's you both have.

Girls can’t do that. That is not ladylike.

What is being lady like? I am female, so, by definition alone, I am lady like.
Or is that term just for women who follow the norm and act and judge other's by how 'lady like' they are?
We are not the property of men, nor should they tell us how to live or even when to give life.
I’ve always had the fucking issue of men thinking they are better than us when really they would be nowhere with out us.
I mean fuck! Vodka was discovered by a women.
A women got us to the moon.
A woman had the balls to sneak people to safety up north.
We are so much more than what the world sees us for.
I don’t want my future daughters and sons to think women as just that. As not being capable to do what their brothers or fathers do.
What do you think?
And before any idiot state

Is that all you think women are? Baby making machines?

To you I say, technically we are, but you missed the point.
Just remind your little girls, we are deadly weapons when we put our brains to work. Just like men.

We just look good doing it.

Thanks for lending a view to this. It means a whole deal to me that at least someone knows.

Be safe, nuggets.


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