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Am I god? I think I might be...

Wassup, Motherlovers

Little known fact about me?


It is the best game ever!!! 
I get to create Sims and plan their lives out, move them out of their parents, and then release my homicidal tendencies upon my ignorant creations.


Thinking like this then makes me wonder about us, as a species, and makes me think,
"Is someone playing me the way i play my Sims?"
Is there someone pulling the strings and making me do certain things?
Like stand there with my arms waving around while a fire consumes my counters...
For those unfamiliar with the games, depending on the versions you play, each Sim has a whim, a need, a want, or a wish they want to complete..according to their aspirations and personality.
Depending on my mood at the time of playing, I would either fulfill or ignore the want...
Is there a player doing that to me?
Ignoring my wants?
Which leads me to my next thought...

Do we live in a simulation?
Is someone out there controlling our world?
Could it be that we are a creation from an advanced civilization?
In my most sadistic of thoughts, I sometimes believe that we are all just an experimental simulation that was meant to go wrong. We are the controlled experiment that had the worst of situations unfold. 

Dr. Stein, what happens if we give humans free will?
Well, John, let's find out. Might as well give them access to technology and weaponry and add a few diseases in there just to see what they are truly capable of.

I know that when I play The Sims, half of it is me creating dreams and whims come to life and the other half is killing my Sims one by one in the most entertaining ways.
Like in the pool or closing them in a fire...

So, naturally, when I play, I also feel like I am their god.
I set them up for their future or plan for their failures.
I take them out when I want to and give life when I please.
Sometimes, I grow fond of my Sims and I try to give them a good life.
Mostly, I try to have fun with them:
Make them angry

Have them become villains,
Or make them the best rockstars
Make them shitty parents,
Starve the children
Beat a bunny....

Aaand, IF there is a god or mad scientist behind the screen, then truly we are made to their image...right??

But that's just me.

Do you play The Sims? What do you do to them??
Which version do you prefer?
And do you believe that there is a slight chance that we may be living in a simulations?
Or does that sound ridiculous to you?

So far I am playing Sims 4, but Sims 3 and the Sims Busting Out are my tops!!
Happy Saturday, Nuggets!!


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Break Up - Part V

Would you rather....? Let me pick your brains!!

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